Spiritual KANSAI , Kokoro
Seeing all of these unique Japanese expressions of giving thanks and traditional arts with your own eyes will allow you to feel the passion, mental fortitude and the solemn weight of history that accompanies them which have been passed down from generation to generation. more about Spiritual KANSAI (Scheduled to be released on Dec. 28th) : https://kansaiguide.jp/rt/eng/spiritu... Culture, the collective ideals, customs, traditional arts, beliefs, social behavior, achievements and manifestations of a particular people or society. It may be intangible, it may be spiritual, but it’s there, and continues to be celebrated. The birthplace of Japan’s magnificent, unique culture. Kansai, Japan’s spiritual region. Kansai, Japan.
大昔から受け継いできたこと。 祭り、伝統芸能、生活様式。 人間の精神活動の全て、それを私たちは「文化」と呼んでいる。 それは時として目に見えない。 しかし感じることができる。 先人たちへの祈り、そして地域の恵みへの感謝。 悠久の日本文化に出会える地。 KANSAI, the Spiritual region in Japan. KANSAI Japan.
The KANSAI Guide: https://kansaiguide.jp/rt/eng/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/truekansai